Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Makers Diet

"Disease can arrest your dreams and place your life on hold." Absolutely true. As I have been battling Cancer my life has been put on hold. I do have good days when I can focus on being creative or getting out, but a majority of the time the Treatments knock me down. "Breaking the vicious cycles"  Its all important that you break the vicious cycle of consuming all the bad foods that are filled with sugar and Fructose. I have read this book a few times, and I find it reassuring that going back to a basic diet while eliminating unhealthy foods will break that cycle and restore you back to optimal health.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Behind the Food Labels

I grabbed this book the other day and in a way, since I had already watched a few documentaries knew about the hidden-secretive world of raising food for consumption.  But like anything; we need to read books like this in order to understand more about how animals are being treated. The ethics that are being used as I put it "harvesting" defenseless animals for consumption.
   We have gone half way into becoming more vegans then anything and sure I can get my protein from plant based foods its still important to eat some beef or poultry. Its just important that you understand how to read labels and find the companies that treat animals humanly.
  I rather like as stated in the book-referring to Socrates in Plato's Republic. "Bread, cheese, vegetables, olives, figs, and moderation of wine." This sounds like an excellent daytime snack!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


In the September issue that I picked up at Natural Grocers I came across an article covering the issues and problems many are faxing when trying to get fresh sustainable produce; organic produce that is.
  The USDA states "24 million have no access," to fresh goods. Though it has not been an easy task many organizations/agencies have cropped up like the Financing Initiative to provide grants to co-ops.
  It takes initiative to put together business and farms that grow organics and can provide to everyone in the surrounding area. Its an important step I believe to create a healthy reduced cost lifestyle.
 Head on down to Natural Grocers and pick up a copy, but don't forget to do a little healthy shopping.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Crazy Life

During my continuous research on the web I cam across Kris Carr Website who also went through Liver Cancer back in 2003. Recently I picked up Prevention Magazine (Feb 2013) and found an interview with Kris. I agree with what she states in the article and if you have time you should read it..
  It took awhile for myself to get out of my funk when I was diagnosed in 2012, but now I have good thoughts about life and for me its all about attitude.  
  Kriss changed her life style and diet much as what I have done. I had over extended myself before I was diagnosed.  I got into some bad habits. Not eating right. Staying out all night drinking and not getting very much sleep. By the time I really started getting sick I could hardly function.
   Check Out her website: KRIS CARR