attacks all parts of the body. Even our most intimate parts. Breast and cervical cancer are two of them. One
common form of cancer in men is testicular cancer. However its not as common as you'd think.
According to the American Cancer Society, about 1 of every 263 males will develop this type of cancer.It mostly affects young and middle-aged men. The average age is about 33 years old. However about 7% of cases have occurred in children
and teens. Its the same percentage in men over 55.
Now even though testicular cancer is not common, this disease has been on the rise in the United States and other countries over the past few decades. So with that in mind, fellas, even though the risk of dying from this type of cancer is low, that doesn't mean that you can just ignore it. Like any type of medical issue, if left untreated, the consequences could be dire.
Any man can be at risk for this form of cancer. Some of the things that make you at risk for it are an
undescended testicle, family history of testicular cancer, HIV
infection, had cancer before, body size, ethnic origin, and carcinoma in
situ of the testicles. There is some good new though. If detected early, this cancer is nearly 100% curable. Sometimes symptoms of testicular cancer can give you a clue that something isn't right. These symptoms include:
- -Painless lump or swelling of the testicle
- A change in how the testicle feels
- A dull ache in the groin or lower abdomen
- A build-up of fluid in the scrotum
- Pain or discomfort in the testicle or scrotum
- A scrotum that feels heavy or swollen
- Bigger or more tender breasts
If you would like to learn more about testicular cancer check out these websites.
They are the websites that I found with the information I have given, and even more to offer.
Also as a reminder; The Lewis Support Foundation is still trying to get itself up and running. The dream is to not only help give support to those with cancer, but to help other local organizations such as CHAP and Doernbecher Children's Hospital.. To do that we need to obtain a business license and get our name out there in the Portland community. Even if you could donate a dollar, it gets us a step closer to achieving the dream that Nick had desired. You can donate at:
Thank you, and fight the good fight.
Thank you, and fight the good fight.