Thursday, October 23, 2014

A New Prescription

When I bought this book online through Amazon-I thought it was going to be nonfiction, but it was a fictional story line with a real plot that twisted me into wanting to discover a cure for cancer. But alas if I did so would have to be careful not to get caught up in a espionage.
    Indeed, as this book offered some helpful advice in using alternative methods; used for to treat cancer, but have been deemed not a valuable source by organizations like the FDA.
   In retrospect its difficult to confront my oncologist about my use of alternative methods while still undergoing western medical treatments. I fear that if I do (which of course this blog presents) other factions that manufacture the chemotherapy drugs could come out of the woodwork and take after me. Its a real possibility, and as I'm not so much dwelling in conspiracy theories I'm sure many would agree with me.
  Please buy this book and visit the website.

Dear Nicholas,
"Thank you very much for the kind feedback, and I am glad you enjoyed the book!
Indeed I am now working on a non-fiction book on this very topic. My research for this book has changed my opinion quite dramatically on how best to approach cancer treatment, compared to when I wrote The Eden Prescription. I originally ignored diet, but now find this to be key in supporting the body's immune system and also a successful outcome from conventional / alternative treatments. In particular, a very high vegetable content, alkalizing diet is of key importance, as well as eliminating added sugars and minimizing saturated fat (in particular from animal sources). Raw vegetables are usually better than cooked with the exception of carrots, where cooked is better and juiced is best (for alpha carotene absorption). In my opinion, this should be the foundation for any cancer prevention / treatment program.
Also, whereas oncologists originally ignored the immune system, we know now that the body's ability to infiltrate a tumor with immune cells is one of the best predictors of survival. Therefore mushrooms and their extracts are of prime importance, and it appears that they synergize with green tea in this (reasons why are complex). So this is also an important consideration."
I hope this helps!
Bests regards,
Ethan Evers
P.S. By the way did you know I have a Facebook page "The Eden Prescription" where I post updates on natural medicine / diet for cancer?

Friday, October 17, 2014

No Rush Attitude

Often I'll watch Dr. Oz (but until a a month ago we did not have a Television all summer.) Which was fine with me. But now I sort of got to get caught up with what he has been discussing. Other than following advice from his website I came across and article "Time Good Life" I myself have always been a rush. One appointments to the next. One task done and onto another protect. I guess in a way I need to stop and smell the roses. Enjoy the fresh air. Bask in the sun.
 Dr. Oz cover how to take back time from your busy life. "One way I steal back time is by surrounding myself with people I trust." Its often that I worry about a lot of things. Especially now that I am fighting Cancer and dealing with financial issues. Stop that worry and surrounded yourself with people that you trust states Dr. Oz. I also agree that we need to focus on the moments in our lives that make us happy and not let those ideal get in the way of living a full and healthy life.

The Inner Critic

A thousand voices echo within my mine, casting hysteria within. Stirring my mind and body into madness. These voices-these inner critics thriving in the chambers of my body have made it difficult to focus on healing. Indeed, in order to stay healthy and keep a positive mental attitude during your illness it would be easy just to push away that critic that is telling you horrible things. Like how you will not make it through the day or even beat your illness.
  However, in a way we must tap into our inner critic. Face it head on. In New Connections Magazine Oct. 2014 an article explains about facing down your inner critic . Author Doris Helge State " Communicating with the inner critic instead of running away." Indeed, I've taken it upon myself not to let this critic destroy my life and instead tune into what it is saying. Often I take these emotions and put them into my work-photography and writing prices.

Becoming more than A Foodie

About the time I was diagnosed in December 2012 I was forced on a liquid diet. Mainly I had to down gross Ensure drinks and sustain from eating any food. This was in preparation for the operations. After I got out of the hospital It became apparent that it would take a great force of nature to get me back into eating solid foods. Not to mention I had just started this intensive chemotherapy regime.
 It was an over daunting task just to get small bites of food into my mouth. At some point when I returned for a check up my sergeant and she made mention that if I did not start eating I was headed to hospice car. It was clear that no matter what I did or tired I my life would be cut drastically short At least that was her point of view. But Deanne and I sad the hell with that Idea. The next day I finally ate a waffle and egg. It felt wonderful to food into my empty belly. Even though this transition had taken awhile it felt good.
  With the assistance of Deanne I have found a new life passion, which is cooking. I juice just about every day. Drinking a wide verity of veggies. Eating a reasonable amount of fruit. Limiting on processed foods and Animal products. But we still really enjoy eating fish. Getting into the kitchen to cook a meal has become very therapeutic. It takes my mind away from feeling sick and calms my mind. Best said from A Chief (taken quote from Cooking Light, ) "I believe that we are born with talents-passions and when you have these passions for something your're at its mercy." I'm at the mercy of food and its nourishing me back to health.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wish Granted

Since I have been battling cancer I have been reaching out to charities and organizations that can provide assistance. With that in mind one of the stipulations with a wish granting charity is to post my story online through my networks and such. Please share my post.   

Wish Acceptance Story

Many know or don't know that I have been going through a health crises for the last few years. Facing Cancer for the second time now at the age of 33 is not something that I had on my bucket list or wish list, but I have had great support from family, friends, and local organizations like Three Little Birds, which grants wishes. Its difficult for me because I would rather give back to the community and local organizations, but since I have been sick I guess its okay for me to accept assistance. However, Deanne and I have been operating our own blog offering information on staying healthy, so I hope that this will be of help to cancer patients and survivors. In addition to giving back eventually we plan on raising funds not only to offer to other charity organizations, but also help cancer patients that like myself are facing a financial crises.
I have not been working. Officially on SSI. It has been difficult to pay our bills on time, and have had to let some things fall behind like not having car insurance or being able to have my own phone plan. I also estimate that I need about fifteen hundred dollars to repair issues on the jeep. Its in very bad shape. SSI wont pay me more than 590 a month. Yikes. No wonder even with Deanne working its become difficult to cover rent and other bills. Very daunting aspect of our lives, and not something that I should be losing sleep over, which I have.
My main focus besides treatments has been changing my eating habits and focusing on heating healthy, and since I have become sick I have become more interested in cooking. Though most of the time I am unable to really get into the kitchen and cook because I'm not feeling well enough, but no doubt its become a new found love. I've been cutting out recipes and dreaming of the day that I can afford reliable cookware and have the financial backing to purchase food.
But I also am continuing my pursuit as an artist. Keeping my attention on my projects has kept me in a positive-mental state. It is with these ideas that though my first wish would be able to meet Casandra Peterson AKA Elvira. (Deann and I love her movies and her since of humor.) I have another top of the list wish. But second: The idea of launching a pop-up store for a week (if I am well enough to do so) would give me a way to sell current and new inventory of my photography and fine art is also a wish that I would like to have granted by Three Little Birds. With sales of my work it would allow me to get back on track in the financial spectrum and continue with creating new works and or updating technology is is very much needed. I have perused a career in graphic design, and until I go into remission that part of my life has taken a back seat.
Though, other wishes would include traveling to Europe, but I'm sort of on the no fly list as with my health it would not be possible to travel. I also have always wished to own a 1968 mustang and or some other classic car as for some reason I have been drawn to the 1968 Volvo Coup. However, I do own a 1954 Chevy that my grandfather gave me, but have been trying to sell it as I don't have the funds to finish the restoration. It makes me sad, but contact me in regards to get my asking price.
In addition I have been now writing for a number of years. I have published four books containing my poetry. However, I have about eight new manuscripts of poetry and many short narrative stories. Even though I self publish the cost of editing is rather difficult to pay at this time. If anyone wishes to purchase my current published works follow the link. The earnings from the sales would also help get caught up on bills or pay for other pursuits such as my new found love of cooking.

Please share this story. Give back to Three Little Birds and if anyone can offer further ideas or assistance regarding my wishes please let me know. Also like my Facebook pages and visit my websites.

  1. Meet Elvira
  2. Pop-up Store
  3. Publish new works
  4. New/refurbished classic car