Friday, October 17, 2014

No Rush Attitude

Often I'll watch Dr. Oz (but until a a month ago we did not have a Television all summer.) Which was fine with me. But now I sort of got to get caught up with what he has been discussing. Other than following advice from his website I came across and article "Time Good Life" I myself have always been a rush. One appointments to the next. One task done and onto another protect. I guess in a way I need to stop and smell the roses. Enjoy the fresh air. Bask in the sun.
 Dr. Oz cover how to take back time from your busy life. "One way I steal back time is by surrounding myself with people I trust." Its often that I worry about a lot of things. Especially now that I am fighting Cancer and dealing with financial issues. Stop that worry and surrounded yourself with people that you trust states Dr. Oz. I also agree that we need to focus on the moments in our lives that make us happy and not let those ideal get in the way of living a full and healthy life.

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