Thursday, October 23, 2014

A New Prescription

When I bought this book online through Amazon-I thought it was going to be nonfiction, but it was a fictional story line with a real plot that twisted me into wanting to discover a cure for cancer. But alas if I did so would have to be careful not to get caught up in a espionage.
    Indeed, as this book offered some helpful advice in using alternative methods; used for to treat cancer, but have been deemed not a valuable source by organizations like the FDA.
   In retrospect its difficult to confront my oncologist about my use of alternative methods while still undergoing western medical treatments. I fear that if I do (which of course this blog presents) other factions that manufacture the chemotherapy drugs could come out of the woodwork and take after me. Its a real possibility, and as I'm not so much dwelling in conspiracy theories I'm sure many would agree with me.
  Please buy this book and visit the website.

Dear Nicholas,
"Thank you very much for the kind feedback, and I am glad you enjoyed the book!
Indeed I am now working on a non-fiction book on this very topic. My research for this book has changed my opinion quite dramatically on how best to approach cancer treatment, compared to when I wrote The Eden Prescription. I originally ignored diet, but now find this to be key in supporting the body's immune system and also a successful outcome from conventional / alternative treatments. In particular, a very high vegetable content, alkalizing diet is of key importance, as well as eliminating added sugars and minimizing saturated fat (in particular from animal sources). Raw vegetables are usually better than cooked with the exception of carrots, where cooked is better and juiced is best (for alpha carotene absorption). In my opinion, this should be the foundation for any cancer prevention / treatment program.
Also, whereas oncologists originally ignored the immune system, we know now that the body's ability to infiltrate a tumor with immune cells is one of the best predictors of survival. Therefore mushrooms and their extracts are of prime importance, and it appears that they synergize with green tea in this (reasons why are complex). So this is also an important consideration."
I hope this helps!
Bests regards,
Ethan Evers
P.S. By the way did you know I have a Facebook page "The Eden Prescription" where I post updates on natural medicine / diet for cancer?

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