Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Food, INC.

Nick: Watching this film again for the second time enforces me to really concentrate on eating healthy. Even though I have adopted a health wise attitude it has been easy to fall back on my nutrition. Watching this film causes an unsettling stomach; knowing that much of the animals are being mistreated makes me not want to invest my time or money in large corporations that control such industry. Not for the faint of hart. Watch this film and adopt a new reason not to eat at fast food restaurants.

Deanne: I remember seeing this film for the first time, and nearly wanting to cry. Growing up on the farm, I always knew where my food came from. I remember we raised three pigs, and I treated them like they were my pets. We gave them fresh water every day, we gave them veggies to eat, and I played with them...then we ate them. It was a hard lesson, but I learned to respect the animal that I would consume and love them. We even had chickens that were given grass clippings and clean water. Even had our own garden. I guess living in the city has warped me a bit and made me not care about where my food came from. But after seeing this, again, wanted to cry. People and animals were treated not as living beings but as dollars. Farmers who want nothing but to make an honest living are being bullied by big name corporations who only care about money. When you see this, you will gain a new perspective on where your food came from and how it was treated.

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